Daily Archives: December 21, 2009

Nathan Myhrvold advocates for Reproducible Research on CNN

On yesterday’s edition of Fareed Zakaria’s GPS on CNN former Microsoft CTO and current CEO of Intellectual Ventures Nathan Myhrvold said reproducible research is an important response for climate science in the wake of Climategate, the recent file leak from … Continue reading

Posted in Intellectual Property, Open Science, Reproducible Research, Scientific Method | Leave a comment

The OSTP's call for comments regarding Public Access Policies for Science and Technology Funding Agencies Across the Federal Government

The following comments were posted in response to the OSTP’s call as posted here: http://www.ostp.gov/galleries/default-file/RFI%20Final%20for%20FR.pdf: Open access to our body of federally funded research, including not only published papers but also any supporting data and code, is imperative, not just … Continue reading

Posted in Intellectual Property, Law, Open Science, OSTP, Reproducible Research, Scientific Method, Uncategorized | 4 Comments