Category Archives: Peer Review

Regulatory steps toward open science and reproducibility: we need a science cloud

This past January Obama signed the America COMPETES Re-authorization Act. It contains two interesting sections that advance the notions of open data and the federal role in supporting online access to scientific archives: 103 and 104, which read in part: … Continue reading

Posted in Law, Open Science, OSTP, Peer Review, Reproducible Research, Scientific Method, Technology | Leave a comment

Generalize and register research hypotheses before analysis

Stanley Young is Director of Bioinformatics at the National Institute for Statistical Sciences, and gave a talk in 2009 on problems in modern scientific research. For example: 1 in 20 NIH-funded studies actually replicates; closed data and opacity; model selection … Continue reading

Posted in Open Science, Peer Review, Reproducible Research, Scientific Method, Statistics, Talks | Leave a comment

Open peer review of science: a possibility

The Nature journal Molecular Systems Biology published an editorial “From Bench to Website” explaining their move to a transparent system of peer review. Anonymous referee reports, editorial decisions, and author responses are published alongside the final published paper. When this … Continue reading

Posted in Open Science, Peer Review, Reproducible Research, Technology | 3 Comments