Category Archives: Fascinating People

Coronavirus diaries – Champaign edition

Illinois locked down relatively early, when a statewide order was issued starting March 21, 2020. Like every lockdown we no longer went to work, restaurants or bars, or visited friends. So after a period of reclusiveness I started going on … Continue reading

Posted in Diary, Fascinating People, health | Leave a comment

Fascinating People: Jason Kohn

Jason Kohn is a documentary maker and director, interviewed most recently by Pure Nonfiction for his more recent release Love Means Zero, about the superstar tennis coach Nick Bollettieri . The first half of the interview is Kohn’s origin … Continue reading

Posted in Fascinating People, Film | Leave a comment

Paul Meier: Still Saving Millions of Lives

You may never have heard of Paul Meier, but perhaps I can convince you he is one of the 2oth century’s greatest heroes. As I write from my “shelter in place” from the violent COVID-19 pandemic, I’m seeing news stories … Continue reading

Posted in Fascinating People, Open Science, Scientific Method, Statistics | Leave a comment